Committed to ending homelessness
Continuums of Care were established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to promote community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness; provide funding for efforts by nonprofit providers and State and local governments to quickly re-house homeless individuals and families to minimize trauma and dislocation; promotes access to and effective utilization of mainstream programs; and optimizes self-sufficiency among individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
The YWCA is proud to be the lead agency in the IL-519 CoC- a consortium of service providers in an 11-county region that exists to secure funding in our region to address homelessness. The Coc is governed by a board of directors comprised of key housing and service providers in West Central Illinois. The CoC is responsible for developing a long-term strategic plan and managing a year-round planning effort that addresses the identified needs of homeless individuals and households; the availability and accessibility of existing housing and services; and the opportunities for linkages with mainstream housing and services resources. Our CoC engages in multi-year, strategic planning for homeless programs and services that are well integrated with planning for mainstream services. The planning process includes identifying the changing needs of homeless subpopulations and evaluating and improving the quality of programs and services offered.
Many local agencies are represented on the governing board that include United Way of Adams County, Quincy Housing Authority, Two Rivers Regional Council and a formerly homeless individual. Local key members of the consortium are Salvation Army, Transitions of Western Illinois, Quanada, Two Rivers Regional Council and Madonna House. Approximately 100 service providers in West Central Illinois contribute to the CoC’s planning process.